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Book 1  Old Testament Theological Themes


 1. How The Bible Came To Us

 2. Overview of the Canonical Criteria

 3. The Formation of the Old Testament Canon

 4. The Formation of the New Testament Canon

 5. Why the Formation of the Canon

 6. Inspiration

 7. Translations of the Bible

Part 1 Introduction to the Old Testament

 1. Overview of the Old Testament

 2. The Pentateuch

 3. Place in the Hebrew Canon

 4. Authorship and Formation

 5. One Author and Later Editors

 6. Several Authors and Later Editors

 7. Oral Traditions, Multiple Authors, and Late Editors

 8. Late Editors of Traditional Materials

 9. Historical Reliability

10. Conclusion

Part 2 Concise Old Testament Theological Themes


Book1      Test Question














Book 2 New Testament Theological Themes

Part 1 Introduction to the New Testament

 1. Overview of the New Testament

 2. The New Covenant

 3. The New Testament Books

 4. The Gospels and the Messiah

 5. Jesus, A Different Kind of Prophet

 6. Apostles, Evangelists

 7. The Individual in the New Testament

 8. Faith and Counting the Cost

 9. The New Commandment

10. Spirituality and the Kingdom of God

11. The Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gifts

12. Prayer

13. Satan

14. Resurrection

15. Jesus' Return

16. Eternal Life, Reward, Judgement

17. Hell, Sheol, Gehenna, Hades, Tartarus

Part 2 Concise New Testament Theological Themes


Book2      Test Question













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